How To Check References
Posted April 17th, 2017
Checking references is an important part of the hiring process, but unfortunately too many people do not give reference checking the attention it deserves. The call is often just a few quick questions, a little small talk, and that’s it. The hiring manager does not push hard enough to really learn about the candidate, and his questions often are simply off the cuff.
To be honest about it, the hiring manager often is only interested in having the reference reinforce the opinion the manager has already formed about the person. Here are a few ideas on doing reference checks the right way.
1. Set aside enough time to have a thorough interview
A short conversation is not going to yield very much good information. You need to give yourself enough time to not only ask questions but to follow up on the answers you get.
And certainly, avoid the practice of some hiring managers who conduct reference checks through email. If you are tempted to do only a quick check, remember the cost to a company of making a bad hire.
2. Talk to no fewer than two references
Human resource experts suggest talking to at least two people, preferably more. The more people you talk to, the more complete image you get of the candidate. You should also take notes of your conversation so you have something to refer to later. They will help you to better remember your conversations.
3. Prepare for the interview
You should write up your questions before you call the reference. This way, you will know clearly what you are going to ask, and you will be sure to ask the right questions. Making it up as you go along is not a good idea. You may forget to ask important questions.
Information that you should have includes the type of connection between the reference and the applicant, the length of time the reference has known the applicant, the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, how the candidate works with others, and how the candidate handles stress. You should also ask about the candidate’s job performance.
4. The most important question
This is the question that you must not forget because it may give you the best evaluation of the job candidate possible. Here it is – “Would you hire this person again?”
The answer to this question can really give you a good idea of the worth of the candidate. If the reference replies with an enthusiastic affirmative, you know that you have a keeper. But if the answer is more noncommittal, you may want to reconsider hiring the person.
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