Biotech Hiring Trends: What to Watch for in 2015
Posted April 1st, 2015
After being decimated at the start of the great recession, the biotech industry has been on a long, steady recovery. Venture capital has flowed in, startups have flowered, and established industry leaders have announced large-scale projects. One exciting effect of all that has been a rapid uptick in hiring. If you’re seeing out employment in 2015, this is a great time to be looking for a job. Here are a few of the trends that will affect your search:
Lots of New Job Opportunities
A recent survey conducted by the Radford Trends Report suggests that 2015 will see a wave of new hiring. Of the respondents, 20 percent plan to increase hiring by 5 percent, another 8.8 percent report an increase of 10-to-15 percent, and a final 12.6 percent of companies plan to increase hiring by 15 percent or more. It’s going to take a lot of life science professionals to fill all those openings.
Emphasis on Versatility and Culture Fit
Hiring managers in the past may have looked first for experience and expertise, but the needs of today require professionals with broad skill sets, and the soft skills to make them a good fit for company culture. Versatile professionals can better adapt to shifting project demands, while candidates who are a good culture fit thrive in today’s team-based approach.
Higher Benchmarks for Management
The requirements for management are also changing. Biotech companies want to hire or promote managers who can actually manage. They are looking for established scientists who also have business and leadership skills, and can break out of the introverted tendencies that characterize many researchers.
The All-Important Interview
Several of the trends mentioned above reveal that the biotech industry is placing a new emphasis on character and personality. That has made the job interview the most integral part of the hiring process. Candidates who are seeking top positions have to ace the interview if they’re going to stand out in a competitive pack. Doing that requires candidates to demonstrate that they are not just qualified, they are valuable.
Timing Is Key
The pace of the biotech industry is moving faster than ever. A major announcement will often be followed almost immediately by a period of hiring. Job seekers can gain an advantage by following industry news closely and identifying companies that will need to add staff. Speed is important for securing the best positions.
The takeaway is that there are lots of jobs opening up, but also rigorous new demands being placed on applicants. If you hope to separate yourself from your peers and have your pick of the best biotech jobs, partner up with Bayside Solutions.