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The Bayside Blog

The Changing Attitudes Between Work and Sleep

Posted November 29th, 2013

In the business world today, there is a topic that has been gaining increasing attention, something that, at first glance, would appear to be a trivial thing, and not worth the scrutiny it has been receiving.

The topic is sleep, or, more accurately, sleep deprivation. It is becoming more of a problem, a problem that is having an ever greater impact on productivity. Many of us are sleep deprived, and research is showing that not getting enough sleep can lead to a lot more than just feeling a little groggy.

There are two main reasons for lack of sleep today. One has to do with our attitude toward sleep, and the other with the pace of modern life. For a long time, we have viewed sleep as pretty much of a nuisance, something that gets in the way of all that we need to do. We look approvingly at those who deliberately try to minimize the amount of sleep they get, so that they can focus more on their work. We have stories of football coaches who set up cots in their offices, medical interns who work with very little sleep and so on. We see it as a sign of toughness.

The fast pace of modern life also has taken a toll on our sleep. People who work third shift are more often than not sleep deprived. Many others have work schedules that can be all over the map. We are connected to work 24 hours a day with all of our electronic devices and our work increasingly involves international duties, meaning we may have to work in the wee hours of the morning in order to be available to oversee clients or colleagues.

But, spurred by scientific findings, this primitive attitude toward sleep is changing. Business is becoming more receptive to the idea that getting an adequate amount of sleep is important. Some major companies are allowing employees to take naps, some with state-of-the-art nap rooms, such as Google, Nike and Time Warner

These changes in attitude will almost certainly help employee health and lead to a resulting increase in productivity. For example, sleep apnea now is almost at epidemic levels. As a result, many people go to work without enough sleep. People who are overweight are at increased risk for this condition, so workplace wellness policies could also be a big help here.

Companies could help the situation even more by maintaining flexibility with regard to work scheduling and allowing employees flexibility in their work scheduling to give a more even work-life balance and better maintain their health.

We hope you received a good night’s sleep last night. This can make you more alert and open to new opportunities in the Bay Area, including those temporary, temp-to-hire direct-hire positions with Bayside Solutions. Contact us today.

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