Hiring Only the Local?
Posted November 19th, 2012
When you’re looking for job candidates to fill vacant positions, how far afield do you look? Do you consider candidates that are from remote locations, or do you stick to what is in your area?
Many companies stay local, believing that they can find all the talent they need in their own geographic area. But business analyst Josh Tolan says that today that is a shortsighted attitude. If companies refuse to look at candidates from out of state, for example, they may lose talented workers to their competitors.
With unemployment still greater than 8 percent, many people are looking at companies farther away than they normally would. It presents a good opportunity for companies to swoop up some talented people.
Many companies won’t look at out-of-state candidates because they believe these individuals would be unwilling to move. A person might dip a toe in the water and interview, but when things get serious and he or she gets a job offer, the person is more than likely to turn it down. This is true for some candidates. They have family considerations, or some other issue that, in the end, keep them from relocating.
But each person is different, and there are people who are more than willing to make the move. Tolan says talent and fit are the key considerations for people when considering relocating. According to a recent study, more than one-fourth of workers said they are willing to move because of the recession.
Another reason companies shy away from looking at people in distant locations is because of cost. They will at some point have to pay to fly the person in to interview, the argument goes. It won’t be worth the cost. But technology provides a solution to this problem: The online video. With this technology, you can interview the person face-to-face without having to physically transport the candidate to your company.
Companies also believe that they have all the talent they need locally because of the stacks of resumes they get when they advertise for a position. But this can be deceiving as well, Tolan says. Sure, you may get scads of resumes, but how many of those people really have the qualifications you need for the position? Because of the downturn in the economy especially, people will apply for any job to which they consider themselves to be remotely qualified.
The talent pool may not be as deep as you think, Tolan says. In fact, according to a new study from the Partnership for a New American Economy, the U.S. is falling behind in the global race for talent. Taking the time to look outside your traditional geographic recruiting area may just help you get the talent you need.
When looking for great IT and other technical professionals in the Bay Area, turn to the recruiting experts at Bayside Solutions. We can find you reliable candidates for your temporary and direct-hire opportunities. Contact us today.