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Acing Your Exit (Interview)

Posted April 16th, 2012

You’ve found a new job. You’ve done the professionally responsible thing to do and gave your employer plenty of notice (2-4 weeks or even more, depending on your position) and have been working diligently until you’re the day of your leave taking.

You’re now in your exit interview. The HR person or manager is telling you to be truthful.

The question is, should you be? After all, you’re leaving. Telling the truth couldn’t hurt you, could it?

Here are some tips to help you navigate what can be a tricky situation: the exit interview.

  • Ask the how your answers will be used. Will your name be on them? Will the interviewer go back to your boss with direct feedback? (If so, watch out; you’ll need your soon-to-be-former boss some day as a reference.) The Society of Human Resources Management, in fact, suggests that you get any promise of anonymity in writing. If it’s not in writing, don’t participate in an exit interview.
  • You’ll undoubtedly be asked why you’re leaving. Be as professional and candid as possible. But do be wary. This is NOT the time to rant about your idiot boss (yes, we know; he really is an idiot). It’s best to answer something along the lines of the new job offers more challenges, is a shorter commute, can take your career in a more desired direction, etc.
  • If you really must complain, remember that professionalism is key. Let us repeat: professionalism is key. In other words, speak in general terms. Ditch the specific. Instead of “my boss is a liar!” try “my supervisor could, perhaps, benefit from some additional managerial training.” If management receives enough of this type of feedback about the same individuals over and over again, you can bet that management will take notice.

Hoping to participate in an exit interview soon (because you’re itching for a new position)? Let Bayside Solutions help you land that next great job. We have great direct-hire positions with some of San Francisco’s best employers. Contact us today to learn more!

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