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Making Balance a Priority

Posted April 4th, 2011

When your day consists of long meetings at work, project deadlines, transporting children to activities, cleaning the house, and cooking meals, life may seem like a huge balancing act with no relief in sight. If the idea of achieving a healthy work/life balance seems beyond your grasp, then a thoughtful analysis of your lifestyle may be the remedy to slowing things down. After all, spending too much time on one thing, means you likely are neglecting something else. Whether that something else is your family and personal affairs or your job, rough times are ahead. Effectively managing your challenges can effect meaningful changes designed to make your life less stressful.

Striking a meaningful balance involves doing a few key activities that should free up time, reduce stress and guide you to a healthier work/life balance.

Not surprisingly, you need to eliminate unnecessary activities. This begins by first making a list of things that really matter. By doing so you may find you’ve been devoting too much time to low priority activities. If possible, cross off things that do not make your top-five list of priorities. This helps you to focus your efforts and simplify your life.

When doing this, consider that your personal time is sometimes more important than money. Time spent not attending your children’s school activities or sporting events cannot be retrieved. This is the time to consider using a baby sitter more often, hiring a lawn maintenance service or a handyman to free up more time.

Secondly, remember to get enough sleep. Work becomes more stressful and potentially dangerous when you are sleep deprived. Not only do you not feel well, sleep deprived workers are less productive and are likely to make more mistakes, some that are costly.
So get to bed early so you can begin the next day refreshed and better able to tackle challenging projects.

Another more pleasant pursuit involves relaxation and having fun. A fast-paced lifestyle won’t slow down on its own. You have to make the effort. Pencil something in your weekly calendar for some kind of fun activity that will help take your mind off the routine demands of everyday life.

Another time-saving activity is to make effective use of e-mail. Use e-mail in lieu of voice mail, providing as much detail as possible. Respond to incoming e-mails in groups a few times a day rather than as each e-mail is received. It’s a management tool designed to help keep you more focused.

Some of us need to learn how to say “no” when our calendar is already full. That goes for co-workers asking you to head a special project, or your child’s teacher seeking a volunteer parent. It is perfectly permissible to say “no” if you already are committed to other activities. Doing so can free up time for you to focus on the more meaningful things that need your attention. In fact, it is even advisable to ask your boss for help when things become overbearing. Don’t try to be a hero with every project you approach.

Also consider asking your boss about work options such as a compressed work week, job sharing, flexible hours, or other non-traditional options. Doing so may make your life a bit less stressful and possibly free up more time for other endeavors.

Establish a system of doing routine activities at work and at home. If you drive past the grocery store and dry cleaners to and from work, make it a point to stop there on a work day. Why make a special trip on a day off when you pass them twice a day anyway?

Remember, try to streamline your activities list at work and at home and then reap the benefits – a less stressful existence and more time to focus on the high priority items in your life.

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